I am glad Storm Gareth has finally tired of blowing over our isles. Unlike in February, the temperature has resumed normal lows and I need a jumper and two fleece jackets when I go round my garden (using my husband’s fleece last as it is big enough to wrap around all the layers). I have been pottering a bit, buying cheap plants from Wilko (see my gardening diary page), but haven’t got to sow anything yet, except for old love-in-the-mist seeds found in an envelope which I shook over the borders totally randomly.

It is now dry enough to walk through the field to go to school. This morning, the blackthorns turning into clouds gave me a longing for a majestic one we encountered in the Parc de Sceaux.

2017-03-12 14.55.53

I was moved to hear my son reminding me of the hazel bushes growing around the play area there. His attention to living things feels somehow more rooted than mine, natural, native maybe – I want to say “older”. He walks ahead of me on the path to knowing and loving nature.

The other day, as I approached one the blackthorns, looking for that feeling of elation a surrounding of white flowers give, I found a set of keys hanging from a branch. It felt as an invitation.

Photo 21-03-2019 08 59 32

Today, the sun is out, the keys are gone (unlike Brexit, it’s “blue, black and white”, dixit the son). Blooms are dripping with honey scent.

Photo 25-03-2019 08 38 57

I realise that plants are arranged along our path to school so that, from February to the summer, we may enjoy white blooms almost continuously. Blackthorn are indeed followed by hawthorns, which then pass the baton to elder trees. By then, the whole field is covered in white daisies, and light seems to permeate the flesh and run into the blood. Overlooking the other side of the field, the cathedral tower shines with the dawn colours of limestone. So even though I can’t stop myself longing for the South (yes, this is Kent, but my South is the Mediterranean), wishing I lived in an old dry-stone house with an almond tree standing at the heart of the garden, I realise I am very lucky to live here. Plus, I would miss many of the plants England allows me to grow or admire in other gardens. Nevermind almond trees, blackthorn is enough for my heart.

Photo 25-03-2019 08 39 07Photo 25-03-2019 08 59 58

Other signs of Spring : this year, acer palmatum Katsura beat everybody and was the first to leaf out.

Photo 25-03-2019 09 09 03

Next was Sambucus nigra Black Lace, followed by acer palmatum Redwine. I can’t wait for the persimmon to open its buds.

Photo 25-03-2019 09 10 39

There isn’t enough in my garden to allow me to participate in gardening blogs’ threads about March plants / blooms, but what I have, I cherish.

Photo 25-03-2019 09 17 28


24 thoughts on “White blossom

  1. Tu as bien raison et je pense que tu rends aussi heureux les gens qui habitent dans l’immeuble proche qui peuvent jouir du spectacle de ton beau jardin.
    Tes photos sont très belles et généreuses, ton printemps est bien plus avancé que le mien cette année, pourtant très très au sud…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Merci Almanito ! 🙂 En fait il n’y a que de petites maisons d’ouvriers autour de chez moi mais je sais que mon voisin aime bien notre mini-mare. 🙂 Les prunelliers ne sont pas à moi, je les admire sur le chemin de l’école. J’aimerais bien en planter un, cela dit, mais n’aurais pas la place de le laisser s’épanouir. J’aimerais bien voir un peu ce que tu fais dans ton jardin ! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Malheureusement je n’ai pas de jardin, pas même un petit bout de balcon mais j’aimerais bien. Ca ne m’empêche pas de faire pousser des choses sur le rebord de ma fenêtre, comme des graines de pins maritimes, de myrtes et de néfliers, qui lorsqu’elles sont trop grandes finissent dans le jardin d’une amie. Je n’ai pas grand mérite car tout pousse facilement et vite ici, mais quel plaisir! Ceci dit par rapport à chez toi la nature n’est pas en avance cette année, les prunus commencent seulement à fleurir.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Merci de votre lecture ! Où vous êtes le grenadier et le plaqueminier seraient bien plus heureux que chez moi, mais je tente !


  2. Many years ago, this time of years would be when the Santa Clara Valley would be in full bloom, with vast apricot and prune orchards. There is nothing like it anymore, but related trees still remind me of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a wonderful sight all this white blossom is, and great photos. It seems to me that the blackthorn blossom is particularly abundant this year. I love the new leaves on your acer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Chloris ! The acer leaves bring a bit of welcome colour ! I agree about the abundant blossom. It seems to me the magnolias are also particularly floriferous this year.


  4. I can just imagine you and your little one along that path, floating among white clouds of blossom! What a beautiful journey. This morning, it made me realise how much my own path to school is currently punctuated by yellows – lots and lots of forsythia, yellow daffodils, kerria, and dandelions (in those rare gardens where it hasn’t been destroyed as a weed). I made some pictures and wanted to send them to you but can’t see how I would do that in a comment. I may have to create my own mini-post about it 🙂 Thank you!

    P.S. Your acer is nice and early! Mine are not showing much sign of life (gosh, I do hope they survived the winter!)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. la générosité, l’abondance du printemps! Chez nous les arbres commencent aussi à éclater toutes leurs fleurs, au milieu des herbages. J’en suis toujours aussi émue. Merci pour tes belles photos et l’anglais que du coup je lis, parce que c’est le tien 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The blossom has gladdened our hearts for many years; how many times have we taken that path to school, to town to church … and always something to catch the eye. Have you found the white violets?

    Liked by 1 person

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